Dr. Thomas Lind

Phone: 815-678-4242 for Kim Schaefer, Executive Assistant to Superintendent 


Twitter: @DrTomLind


  • Doctorate - Northern Illinois University, Educational Leadership

  • Specialist - Northern Illinois University, Educational Administration, and Leadership

  • Masters -     Concordia University - Chicago, Educational Administration and Leadership

  • Bachelors -Rockford University, History and Secondary Education


  • Secondary Teaching, General Administration, Superintendent

  • Danielson Certified Teacher Evaluator

  • Danielson Certified Principal Evaluator

Professional Work Experience:

Dr. Thomas Lind has served as superintendent for both Richmond-Burton CHSD 157 and Nippersink SD 2 since July of 2017. He began his 29 year career in August of 1996 as a social studies teacher and coach at Hononegah Community High School in Rockton, IL. In 2009, he became the assistant principal of Richmond-Burton Community High School, and in 2012 he was hired to be the principal. In 2017, Dr. Lind was chosen  by Nippersink SD 2 and Richmond-Burton CHSD 157  to be the shared superintendent serving both districts.